MySQL/MariaDB Setup
From The Linux Source
1. install packages
ENT 7 # yum install mariadb-server mariadb BEFORE Ent 7 # yum install mysql-server mysql
2. set to start at bootup
ENT 7 # systemctl enable mariadb BEFORE Ent 7 # chkconfig mysqld on
3. start mysql server
ENT 7 # systemctl start mariadb BEFORE Ent 7 # service mysqld start
4. secure mysql; setup root password, disallow root remote access, remove test database
# mysql_secure_installation answer Y to all of the questions and set root password (sometimes same as OS root pw - NOT A GOOD IDEA!) OR (see Changing Passwords for issues before running) # mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password' # mysql -p mysql mysql> delete from user where User!='root'; mysql> delete from user where Host!='localhost'; mysql> delete from db; mysql> drop database test;
5. remove additional/unneeded root acct
# mysql -p mysql> use mysql; mysql> delete from user where Host='';
6. move database directory
6a. stop mysql first
ENT 7 # systemctl stop mariadb BEFORE Ent 7 # service mysqld stop
6b. move db directory to a partition that has space (/home or the partition which has space allocated for applications)
# cd /var/lib ; mv mysql /home/ ; ln -s /home/mysql
6c. start mysql
ENT 7 # systemctl start mariadb BEFORE Ent 7 # service mysqld start