From The Linux Source
add new drive
this step assumes a new drive was added, whether physical for a physical sys, or virtual for a virtual sys. if adding to a system using LVM, set the partition type to 8e (LVM), see "LVM Quick Reference" for adding to the LVM Disk Group for use with LVM partitions
# fdisk /dev/sdb
Note: if your new drive was added to a 'live' system, and it's not showing under 'fdisk -l', you can rescan with (may need to do this with more than host0, i.e. host0, host1, etc.);
# echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan
drives greater than 2Tb
MBR (<=2.2Tb/32bit): # fdisk /dev/sda GPT (<=2.2Zb/64bit): # gdisk /dev/sda
using kickstart on systems that have drives greater than 2.2Tb (tested on ent 6, probably not needed on ent 7)
add the following to the ks.cfg profile that was generated for the system being kicked
%pre parted -s /dev/sda mklabel gpt %end